10 Things I like about Honduras
1. The heat
2. The taco restaurant where dinner and (several) drinks for two costs $8.
3. That is won't get dark before 6, even in january
4. 60 minutes to the coast
5. The mountains
6. Parrots, Toucans and giant lizards outside my classroom
7. Friendly culture
8. Baleadas (A tortilla with refried black beans and cheese)
9. Cheap beer, cheap rum
10. Trivia Night @ the Dog House
Things that are challenging about Honduras
1. The heat
2. The poverty
3. That I don't speak spanish (yet!)
4. The lack of good cheese (this is a positive for TJ)
5. Having to take a taxi most places
6. That is gets dark at 6:00
7. Uncomfortable couches EVERYWHERE
8. Big Bugs
9. That no on uses/knows any street names (makes telling the spanish cab driver where you live very hard)
10. The pigeons that live in our roof.
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